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For over 30 years, Buck has been working with horses and their owners and is one of the world’s leading practitioners handling horses based on classical concepts from the California Vaquero tradition; working with the horse's nature, using an understanding of how horses think and communicate to train the horse to accept humans and work confidently and responsively with them.
Buck added this class to give novice riders and green horses a good start to their equestrian pursuits. Without a solid foundation, the equine partnership will never be its very best. Many experienced riders and experienced horses have greatly benefitted from revisiting the basics in this class. Expect focus on ground work and getting your horse “with you” before advancing to riding during the class. All levels and youngsters not yet under saddle are welcome.
This is an under saddle class emphasizing classical and Vaquero traditions. All levels of riders, no matter what discipline, will benefit. All ages welcome. Appropriate for green snaffle bit horses, hackamore horses, and experienced bridle horses.
Total cost for each class series $750. Pre-registration and non-refundable deposit required. Click here for details on signing up.
Large, outdoor arena with good footing. Well behaved dogs on leash, but not near arena. Barkers will be asked to leave.
LOCATION: Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds. Click here for directions.
AUDITORS: Auditing fee is $30 per day. Excellent viewing. Dress appropriately for all weather. Children 12 and under and seniors 65 and over no charge.
-- Bonnie Stoehn, Clinic Sponsor - bonnies@cruzio.com
© 2025 Thinking Horsemanship with Bonnie Stoehn